to stop -- stoped -- parar
to call -- called -- ligar
to arrive --- arrived -- chegar
to like -- liked -- gostar
to change -- changed -- trocar
to look -- looked -- olhar
to help --- helped -- ajudar
to finish -- finished -- acabar
to carry --- carried -- carregar
to paint --- painted -- pintar
to be -- was , were -- ser/ estar
to feel --- felt --- sentir
to have --- had -- ter
to go -- went -- ir
to give --gave -- dar
to put -- put -- colocar
to hit -- hit -- acertar
to speak -- spoke -- falar
to tell -- told -- dizer
to write -- wrote -- escrever
2. I helped you with your homework.
Mia finished to clean her bedroom.
He painted the wall by himself.
It was sunny yesterday.
I went to the Mary's house to study.
My mother put apples in the salad.