
1 - Imagine que você é um guia turístico. Crie um guia de
viagem/travel brochure contendo:

a) Descrição do local/da cidade. Use there is e there

are; use some, a lot of, a couple of.

b) Narração da cultura local. Fale sobre a rotina e cos-

tumes das pessoas locais. Use o Simple Present, ad-

verbs of frequency e routine vocabular.

c) Dicas do que pode ser feito ao longo do dia e semana.

Use o modal verb can, as locuções adverbiais in the

morning, in the afternoon e in the evening, on weeke-

nds, on weekdays e on holidays.

d) Inclua ilustrações sobre os locais recomendados. ajuda por favor ​

Resposta :


1) Para o trabalho de guia turístico, a cidade escolhida foi Paris e a Torre Eiffel, o ponto turístico mais conhecido da cidade.

a) Paris is in France and is know for its iluminated buildings and historical monuments such as The Eiffel Tower, also called The Iron Lady. In Paris, there are many restaurants and bistros with delicious foods and wines. Below the Eiffel Tower, there is a large park, where people sit on grass, relax and talk outdoors.

b) Paris is called the city of love, because its romantic atmosphere and for being a popular place for many couples searching good restaurants and entertainment for two. Futhermore, Paris is known for being a city with a fantastic cuisine, with lots of wine, pasta and cheese.

c) Tourists visiting Paris can walk along famous streets, like Rivoli's and Avenue des Champs-Élysées, and shop in many stores. Besides, They can try various types of wines and cheeses, because it is a specialization of the city.


1) Para o trabalho de guia turístico, a cidade escolhida foi Paris e a Torre Eiffel, o ponto turístico mais conhecido da cidade.

a) Paris is in France and is know for its iluminated buildings and historical monuments such as The Eiffel Tower, also called The Iron Lady. In Paris, there are many restaurants and bistros with delicious foods and wines. Below the Eiffel Tower, there is a large park, where people sit on grass, relax and talk outdoors.

b) Paris is called the city of love, because its romantic atmosphere and for being a popular place for many couples searching good restaurants and entertainment for two. Futhermore, Paris is known for being a city with a fantastic cuisine, with lots of wine, pasta and cheese.

c) Tourists visiting Paris can walk along famous streets, like Rivoli's and Avenue des Champs-Élysées, and shop in many stores. Besides, They can try various types of wines and cheeses, because it is a specialization of the city.

d) Abaixo está uma figura do mais famoso ponto turístico de Paris.


créditos:  Luizfelipeandra

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