
2-Reescreva as frases que estão no Presente Simples (Simple Present) abaixo,passando-as para o Simple Past Negative Form,conforme o exemplo:

EXAMPLE:I'm not at School.I wasn't at school.

a)Mark isn't here_____________.

b)This dog is funny____________.

c)I am not busy___________.

d)You are very lucky___________.

e)The winter is cold____________.

f)They aren't tired___________.

g)We are hungry_____________.

h)This book isn't boring_________.

3-Use a forma correta para a Interrogative Form do Simple Past (Was ou Were)

a)_______you at the party two days ago?

b)_______the shops open last Sunday?

c)_______Sam at the musuem last week.​

Resposta :

a) Mark wasn’t here.
b) This dog wasn’t funny.
c) I weren’t busy.
d) You were very lucky.
e) The winter wasn’t cold.
f) The weren’t tired.
g) We were hungry.
h) This book wasn’t boring.

a) Were you at the party two days ago?
b) Were the shops open last Sunday?
c) Was Sam at the museum last week?

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