Resposta :
Resposta: a) They're watching TV now.
b) I'm teaching English at the moment.
c) You're dancing at the party.
d) Sally is studying right now.
e) Mary is cutting apples to make a cake
a) They are not watching TV now.
b) I am not teaching English at the moment.
c) You are not dancing at the party.
d) Sally is not studying right now.
e) Mary is not cutting apples to make a cake.
a) Are they watching TV now?
b) Am I teaching English at the moment?
c) Are you dancing at the party?
d) Is Sally studying right now?
e) Is Mari cutting apples to make a cake?
Para respondermos corretamente ao exercício proposto usando o Present Continuous, escrevemos:
a) They are watching TV now
b) I am teaching English at the moment
c) You are dancing at the party
d) Sally is studying right now
e) Mary is cutting apples to make a cake
a) Are they watching TV now? / They aren't watching TV now.
b) Am I teaching English at the moment? / I'm not teaching English at the moment.
c) Are you dancing at the party? / You aren't dancing at the party.
d) Is Sally studying right now? / Sally isn't studying right now.
e) Is mary cutting apples to make a cake? Mary isn't cutting apples to make a cake.
Present Continuous
- Usamos o Present Continuous para descrever ações que acontecem no momento da fala.
- Para formar o present continuous usamos: VERB BE + VERB + ING
- Para formar a negativa adicionamos a palavra "not" ao verbo auxiliar (verb to be);
- Para formar a interrogativa, invertemos a ordem do verbo;
- Atenção: Se o verbo terminar em consoante + e, excluímos o -e e adicionamos -ing (ex. dance → is dancing)
- Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante (CVC), dobramos a última consoante e adicionamos -ing (exceto verbos terminados em -x ou -w). Ex. swim → swimming / snow → snowing
- Alguns verbos que não devem ser usados no present continuous: need, hate, love, taste, like, agree, etc.
Alguns exemplos:
- The children are swimming in the lake. (As crianças estão nadando no lago)
- The cat isn't sleeping in the garden. (O gato não está dormindo no jardim)
- Are they developing some new research? (Eles estão desenvolvendo alguma pesquisa nova?)
Para saber mais sobre o Present Continuous, clique aqui: