
 1) Complete as frases no “Present Continuous” , utilizando os verbos entre parênteses.
 a) They _________(watch) TV now.
 b) I ___________(teach) English at the moment.
 c) You _____________(dance) at the party.
 d) Sally _________(study) right now.
 e) Mary _________(cut) apples to make a cake.
 2) Passe as frases acima para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

Resposta :

Resposta: a) They're watching TV now.

b)  I'm teaching English at the moment.

c) You're dancing at the party.

d) Sally is studying right now.

e) Mary is cutting apples to make a cake


a) They are not watching TV now.

b) I am not teaching English at the moment.

c) You are not dancing at the party.

d) Sally is not studying right now.

e) Mary is not cutting apples to make a cake.


a) Are they watching TV now?

b) Am I teaching English at the moment?

c) Are you dancing at the party?

d) Is Sally studying right now?

e) Is Mari cutting apples to make a cake?

Para respondermos corretamente ao exercício proposto usando o Present Continuous, escrevemos:


a) They are watching TV now

b) I am teaching English at the moment

c) You are dancing at the party

d) Sally is studying right now

e) Mary is cutting apples to make a cake


a) Are they watching TV now? / They aren't watching TV now.

b) Am I teaching English at the moment? / I'm not teaching English at the moment.

c) Are you dancing at the party?  / You aren't dancing at the party.

d) Is Sally studying right now? / Sally isn't studying right now.

e) Is mary cutting apples to make a cake? Mary isn't cutting apples to make a cake.

Present Continuous

  • Usamos o Present Continuous para descrever ações que acontecem no momento da fala.
  • Para formar o present continuous usamos: VERB BE + VERB + ING
  • Para formar a negativa adicionamos a palavra "not" ao verbo auxiliar (verb to be);
  • Para formar a interrogativa, invertemos a ordem do verbo;
  • Atenção: Se o verbo terminar em consoante + e, excluímos o -e e adicionamos -ing (ex. dance → is dancing)
  • Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante (CVC), dobramos a última consoante e adicionamos -ing (exceto verbos terminados em -x ou -w). Ex. swim → swimming / snow → snowing
  • Alguns verbos que não devem ser usados no present continuous: need, hate, love, taste, like, agree, etc.

Alguns exemplos:

  1. The children are swimming in the lake. (As crianças estão nadando no lago)
  2. The cat isn't sleeping in the garden. (O gato não está dormindo no jardim)
  3. Are they developing some new research? (Eles estão desenvolvendo alguma pesquisa nova?)

Para saber mais sobre o Present Continuous, clique aqui: brainly.com.br/tarefa/25186176


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