
Write negative sentences using won’t
1 – (I / beg for money / in the street)

2 – (Jasmin / read / the novel / this year)

3 – (Juliio and Jimmy / Drink / alcohol)

4 – (We / pay attention in class / today)

5 – (My pet / catch / the ball)​

Resposta :

1 - I won't beg for money in the street

2 - Jasmin won't read the novel this year

3 - Julio and Jimmy won't drink alcohol

4 - We won't pay attention in class today

5 - My pet won't catch the ball

⟩ Usamos o Will para formar frases referente ao futuro próximo.

⟩ A estrutura para formar essas frases é a seguinte;

 Sujeito + Will + verbo principal

*Ex: I will buy a car next week

⟩ Para formar frases negativas com o Will a regra é simples pois, colocamos o not após ele;

 Sujeito + Will + not + verbo principal

*Ex: I will not a car next week

>> Também há a forma contraída de Will not = won't;

     >> Negative Form <<

         I will not/ won't

         You will not/ won't

         He will not/ won't

         She will not/ won't

         It will not/ won't

         We will not/ won't

         They will not/ won't

°Espero ter ajudado;

°Bons estudos!

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