Resposta :
⇒⇒ Present Continuous
A. Mark is working there in the morning. (am, is, are)
B. Are you going to college?(is, are, go, going)
C. They are doing what they can. (are, is)
D. What are you doing here?(do, doing)
E. Mary is lying to you. (lieing, lying)
F. Charles is having a hard time. (are, is)
G. We are helping poor people in the countryside. (help, helping)
H. It is raining today. (are, is, am)
I. Where are Tim and Tom living?(is, are, am)
J. When is Nicholas studying English? (are, am, is, study, studying)
⇒⇒ Present continuous >> tempo verbal que descreve ações que estão acontecendo no momento em que se fala.
Sujeito + to be (am - is - are) + verbo terminando em -ing + now/right now
Paul is playing tennis. >> Paul está jogando tênis (agora).
I am studying English now. >> Eu estou estudando inglês agora.
Annie is going to school. >> Annie está indo para a escola.
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