Se alguém puder me ajudar, vou agradecer muito.

A) The kids picked up all their toys by themselves yesterday.
B) Mrs. Miller's cat cleans itself every day in the morning.
C) Grandma made a chocolate cake for herself.
D) Tom and Pat are going to hurt themselves if they play soccer on the wet floor.
E) Dr. Stevens decided to travel to India by himself next month.
F) I want to live by myself when I grow up.
G) Wow! I can't belive we finished the puzzle by ourselves.
H) Why are you talking to yourself?
A) We bought ourselves a new laptop because ours was too old.
1 - (X) Ourselves ✅
2 - ( ) Themselves.
B) Grandpa can't use the internet by himself.
1 - Himself ✅
2 - Herself.
C) My dog hurt itself while running after a cat in the street.
1 - Myself.
2 - Itself ✅
D) I'll go to the mall y myself to buy a new air of pants.
1 - Myself ✅
2 - Ouselves.
E) Brenda and Louise, I hope you enjoy yourselves at the theater tonight.
1 - Yourself
2 - Youselves ✅
F) Mom cut herself when she was chopping some tomatoes for the salad.
1 - Himself
2 - Herself ✅
G) Mark, if you don't stop running, you'll cut yourself.
1 - Yourselves
2 - Yourself ✅
H) After a long time, Mom and Dad are going to travel by themselves again.
1 - Himself.
2 - Themselves ✅
Espero ter ajudado :)