
3. I _____ not studying harder. *

a) am

b) are

c) is

4. Assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta do verbo to be que completa o texto abaixo: "Hello, I ____ Nick and this ____ Peter. We ____ friends. Peter____ nine and I ____ ten. Peter and I ____ from belem. We ____ students at Paulo Fontelles School." *

d) am/ is/ are/ is/ am/ are/ are

b) am/ are/ is/ is/ am/ are/ are

c) are/ is/ are/ is/ am/ is/ are

5. Qual frase está escrita de forma correta? *

a) Peter am a teacher.

b) The books are on the library.

c) Is we good dancers?

d) You not are a doctor.

5. Qual frase está escrita de forma correta? *
a) Peter am a teacher.

b) The books are on the library.

c) Is we good dancers?

d) You not are a doctor.

Resposta :


3) I am not studying harder. ALTERNATIVA A.

4) am/ is/ are/ is/ am/ are/ are. ALTERNATIVA A.

5) You are not a doctor. ALTERNATIVA D.