Resposta :
she spoke out her first speech
Taliban returned the schools...She began writing
She closed from January
Taliban gunman shot Malala
Malala Moved with her family
where she recovered an to her studies an become to activism.
in 2014 she won
não sei se você ja resolveu as questões irei deixar as respostas aqui caso queira conferir ;)
Malala Yousafzai (born July 12, 1997, Mingora, Swat valley, Pakistan) is a Pakistani activist who spoke out
against the Taliban's prohibition on the
education of girls.
On September 1, 2008, her father, a social activist and educator, took Malala to a local press club to protest against the school closings, and she------ her first speech - "How Dare the Taliban Take Away My Basic Right to Education?".
On January 15, 2009, Taliban------ the schools for girls and Malala------- writing regularly for BBC about her daily life. She-------- from January through the beginning of March of that year
On October 9, 2012, a Taliban gunman------- Malala in the head while she was coming back
home from school. Malala-------
with her family to Birmingham (UK), where she recovered and
to her studies and--------- to activism.
In 2014 she----------
the youngest person to win the Liberty Medal, awarded to public figures who
fight for people's freedom throughout the world. In the same year, she----------
the Nobel Prize
becoming the youngest Nobel laureate.
She currently studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.