

Past tense (tempo passado) é constituído de duas categorias: verbos Regulares e

Irregulares REGRA:

Os verbos regulares - acrescentado o (ED) na maioria dos casos exemplo to talk (falar) –

talked. caso o verbo termine em E ou EE apenas acrescente o D – age (envelhecer) aged,

agree (concordar) agreed, verbos terminan Y precedido de vogal recebem ED exemplo: play

(jogar) - played, verbos com terminações Y precedidos de consoante, elimina-se o Y

acrescenta-se IED. Ex. cry (chorar) -cried

1st. Observe os exemplos e escreva os verbos no Past tense

a) to invite (convidar): Envited .b) to dance (dançar)............ c ) to look (olhar)............

.d) to clean ( limpar)..................e) to cross (cruzar):..................... f) to help ( ajudar) ...............

.g) to copy( copiar).................h) to cry (chorar)...............i) to stay ( ficar)............................

j) to delay ( atrasar)..............

2nd CONJUGUE NO PAST TENSE observe o exemplo – lembre-se da regra.

a) to stay: I stayed YOU............HE......................SHE.................WE................YOU....................THEY...............

b) to cry: I......... YOU............HE......................SHE.................WE................YOU....................THEY...............

3rd Escreva no Past tense e traduza. observe o exemplo

a) Mary cleans the house. Mary cleaned the house. Maria limpou a casa.

b) I study in the morning ................................................... ........................................

c) You helpy friend. ........................................ ..............................................

4th Escreva o texto no” Past tense” e traduza. observe a regra do verbo.

Bob arrives in his office at eight o’ clock Every day.

He works from eight o’clock a.m. to five o’clock p.m. and them he returns home. He helps

his wife in the kitchen and after dinner They talk and watch tv programs.​