Resposta :
A forma negativa é basicamente didn't + o verbo dos parênteses.
1. Daisy (bring) some chocolates to the birthday party.
Daisy didn't bring some chocolates to the birthday party.
2. I (hear) a new song on the radio.
I didn't hear a new song on the radio.
3. Peter (read) three books last week.
Peter didn't read three books last week.
4. The Smiths (speak) Italian to the waitress.
The Smiths didn't speak Italian to the waitress.
5. Peter (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't understand.
Peter didn't understand during the class, but now he doesn't understand.
6. My mother (forget) to buy some milk.
My mother didn't forget to buy some milk.
7. Susan (have) a baby in August.
Susan didn't have a baby in August
8. We (lose) our keys last Friday.
We didn't lose our keys last Friday.