1) leia os textos abaixo e responda às seguintes questões:
Types of Nonfiction Biographies, tell the story of someone's life from the perspective of another writer Autobiographies- tell the story of the author's life and reflect the writer's thoughts and feeli As about events. Letters- are written forms of communication from one person to another. Journals & Diaries records of daily events and writer's thoughts & feelings about then, Can be private or public. Essays & articles) brlet yritten works about a specific topic. Purpose might to explain, persuade, or inform. termational sexy written documents such as textbooks, appliş sfiony, instructions, and arcles.
HOW TO WRITE A DIARY HOW TO WRITE A DIARY. A diary is a book in which one keeps a record of events and experiences. A diary extract or entry is a passage that describes this information.
a)Como você definiria um texto de não ficção?
b) Dentre os tipos de não ficção apresentados по primeiro texto, qual voce ja escreveu?
c) Que tempo verbal predomina em ambos os textos?
d) Retire as palavras cognatas do segundo texto e escreva suas traduções
e) Escreva duas sentenças em inglês com as quais voce introduziria seu diario