the correct past tense form of the verbs in parentheses. a) The plane (leave) Buenos Aires last night. Lord.... b) The Smiths (take) their three children to Mexico with them. c) They (buy) the property in 1966 and (sell) it in 1972. d) Adam (think) about his troubles continuously. e) We (make) good time on our trip from Texas to Mexico City. f) I (forget) to bring my notebook to class this morning........ g) He (send) several letters to her. h) She (give) me the money. i) He (write) me a letter on Wednesday. ) Susan (tell) us the whole story. k) The class (begin) at 7. D They come) by bus. ... m)Meg and Adam (go) to school. n) The guide (speak) in French. o) She (drink) much wine. ​