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Don't text and drive
I want to share a different perspective on texting and driving as our state transportation
officials have been doing a lot of marketing on this safety issue lately.
I ride a bike for exercise and leisure. The other day I was anxious as several motorists passed
me going about 55 mph with their cell phones in hand. I typically ride where there is a
shoulder, in order to have a little bit of cushion but was unable to do that on that particular
route. It would have taken drivers just one brief look at Facebook or a text or answering a
phone to carelessly hit me.
I ride with traffic - as legally required – so I'm not going to see motorists coming. I take
responsibility as a bike rider. I keep myself alert, but I need motorists' help to ensure road
safety. Runners, walkers and bikers are out at all hours of the day. Not texting while driving

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