
1 - Observe as frases no Passado Contínuo e marque o verbo TO BE correto: *
10 pontos
They........dancing im my house yesterday.
We ......swimming in the club last Sunday.
The boys..........studying .at school last Saturday.
I.......sleeping in my house last night.
She ...........traveling by t bus last night.
They........dancing im my house yesterday.
We ......swimming in the club last Sunday.
The boys..........studying .at school last Saturday.
I.......sleeping in my house last night.
She ...........traveling by t bus last night.
2 - Qual é a forma correta para negar uma frase na Passado? *
5 pontos
Ana not was in my house last week.
John was not in my house last week.
Karol was does't at school last week.
3 - Qual das frases abaixo está no Passado Contínuo? *
10 pontos
I lived in United States.
She is my mother
She was at the club last night.
She was playing at the club when I arrived.
04 - Leia o texto e marque a alternativa correta: "John and her girlfriend decided to go to a restaurant for dinner. They ordered two hamburgers, one plate of pasta with tomato sauce, one large pizza with extra pepperoni, one piece of chocolate cake, a tiramisu and an apple pie. They thought they would be able to eat it, but it was too much. So, they decided to bring the rest back home, but Drake was truly disappointed because there was no doggy bag." *
10 pontos
John e a prima decidiram ir a um restaurante...
Eles pediram poucas coisas para comer.
Como não conseguiram comer tudo, decidiram levar a sobra para casa.
No restaurante tinha embalagem para levarem a sobra de comida para casa.
05 - 1. Assinale a única alternativa que NÂO se refere ao Speaking: *
10 pontos
Generally more formal
Generally more informal
Use of tone, body language and other resources to express attitude
Use of sentence connectives such as “Well…”, “So…”, “You know", “I mean” and “Like…”
6. A frase “What do you think about it?” refere-se a:
5 pontos
7 - Qual alternativa tem marcadores do discurso? *
10 pontos
I love you.
I am 55 years old.
Well, I am in my house now.
08 - Marque a questão que corresponde a cada pronome interrogativo correto: *
10 pontos
...is your birthday? ......are you? ...do you live? ...is your mother? ...is your name?

por favor​

Resposta :

1 ) they were dancing in my house yesterday

we swimming in the club last Sunday

the boys was studying at school last Saturday

I were sleeping in my house last night

she was traveling by bus last night

2 ) John was not in my house last week

3 ) I lived in united States

5 ) generally more formal

6 ) opinião

7 ) i am in my house now

8 ) when is your birthday?

how are you?

where do you live?

who is your mother?

what's your name?


acho que é isso

Resposta: 1) where, where, where, was, was.

2)Ana whas not in my house last week.

3)She was swimming when Ana arrived.

4)Como não conseguiram comer tudo levaram as sobras pra casa.

5)Generally more formal


7)So, I ate a big hot dog.

8)Where do you live? Who is your mother? What is your name? How are you? When is your birthday?

Explicação: Espero ter ajudado ^_^