
Presente simples
O presente simples se forma a partir do infinitivo sem to. A 3º pessoa do singular (she, he it)
recebe s.
I read books about New York.
She reads books about New York.

1. Os verbos terminados em ch,sh,o, s,x, z recebem o es na 3º pessoa do singular (he,she,
Brush—brushes drees—dreeses watch watches
Fix—fixes go—goes buzz—buzzes

2. Os verbos terminados em y precedidos de consoante trocam o y por ies.
3. O verbo to have tem a forma verbal has para a 3ºpessoa do singular.
O presente simples é usado para expressar:
a) Verdades universais.
Parallel lines never cross.
b) Ações habituais.
George always reads the newspaper in the morning.
c) Ações planejadas para o futuro.
Our train leaves in five minutes
As ações habituais são sempre acompanhadas de advérbios de frequências:
Always; never, When, sometimes, frequently, seldom, Every, once a, twice a,rarely,usually

1. Escreva a forma destes verbos que acompanham he/she/it (-s/--es)
a. (read) she_____
b. (think) he____
c. (fly) it___
d. (dance) he___
e. (have) he___
f. (finish) it___

2. Complete as sentenças com um destes verbos:
Boil close cost cost like meet open speak teach wash
1. Margaret ____four languagens.
2. In Britain the Banks usually_____ at 9:30 in the morning.
3. The City Museum____at o’clock in the evening.
4. Tina is a teacher. She____mathematics to young children.
5. My job is very interesting. I___a lot of people.
6. Peter ____his hair twice a week.
7. Food is expensive. It___a ló of Money.
8. Shoes are expensive. They___a lot of Money.
9. Water___at 100 degrees Celcius.
10. Julia and I are good friends. I___her and she____me.

3. Escreva sentenças com estas palavras. Use a forma correta do verbo.
a. (always/early/Sue/arrive)
b. (basketball/I/play/often)
c. (work/ Margaret/hard/usually)
d. (Jenny/always/nice clothes/wear)
e. (dinner/we/have/have/always/at 7.30)
f. (televison/Tim/watch/never)
g. (like/chocolate/chidren/usually)
h. (Julia/parties/enjoy/always)

Resposta :



a. She reads

b. He thinks

c. It flies

d. He dances

e. He has

f. It finishes


1. speaks

2. opens

3. closes

4. teaches

5. meet

6. washes

7. costs

8. cost

9. boils    

10. like likes


a. Sue always arrives early

b. I often play basketball

c. Margaret usually works hard

d. Jenny always wears nice

e. We always have dinner at 7.30

f. Tim never watches television

g. Children usually like chocolate

h. Julia always enjoys parties