

Preencha as lacunas com a forma comparativa do adjetivo em parênteses.

The country and the town
Living in the country can be ___________ (nice) than living in a town because the houses are ________________ (spacious) and _________________ (comfortable) with __________ (big) gardens. Towns have ____________ (many) traffic and are _______________ (noisy), but there are _____________________ (exciting) things to do and see. The flats are ____________ (small) and houses are ____________ (close) together. Some people think towns are ____________ (good) places to live in, and some people prefer the country.

Resposta :

Nicer/ spacious / comfortable/ bigger/ many/noisier / exciting / smaller/ close/ good

Quando vc está usando o comparativo as palavras mudam de Nice - nicer ou big - bigger. Mas tem horas que não tem que usar comparativo e tem palavras que também não tem o comparativo EXEMPLO: não existe gooder ( good) mas se vc quiser usar uma palavra querendo dizer melhor que outra use “better “