Hernest Hemingway was a famous writer and during his free time he enjoyed doing many activities. When he wasn't writing, Hemingway spent much of the 1930s chasing adventure: big-game hunting in Africa, bullfighting in Spain and deep-sea fishing in Florida. While reporting on the Spanish Civil War in 1937, Hemingway met a fellow war correspondent named Martha Gellhorn (soon to become wife number three) and gathered material for his next novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, which would eventually be nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Question 1- Qual é o nome do prêmio ao qual Hemingway foi indicado? *
2 pontos
For whom the bell tolls
Dee-sea fishing
Ernest Hemingway era um escritor famoso e durante seu tempo livre gostava de fazer muitas atividades. Quando não estava escrevendo, Hemingway passou grande parte da década de 1930 perseguindo aventuras: caça grossa na África