
Pfvr alguem me ajuda nas respostas:)

1. Quais são as duas formas do verbo to be lis, are) no passado simples? Complete.

Marie Curie _____ (be) a physicist and a chemist. She ______ (begin) her studies in Poland but in 1.891 she _____ (leave) for France. She _____(study) there and later _____ (work) as a scientist at the Sorbonne in Paris. She ______ (meet) and _____ (marry) a French scientist, Pierre Curie. They _______ (have) two children, Irene and Ewa.
Pierre _____ (die) in 1.906 in an accident in Paris. Maria _____ (get) two Nobel Prizes in 1.903 and in 1.911. She ____ (die) in 1934.​

Resposta :


was / began / leaved / worked / met / marryed / had / died / got / died.
