a) n: I dont work at grau
i: do I work at grau?
b) n: nilyane is not my stuent
i: is nilyane my student?
c) n: patati and patata are not clowns
i: are patati and patata clowns?
d) n: my car is not black and its not comfortable
i: is my car black and cofortable?
e) n: micaely is not in my class
i: is micaely in my class?
f) ta feita ja
g) n: wilson does not live in moscow
i: does wilson live in moscow?
h) n: brasil doesnt improve the economy
i; does brasil emprove the economy?
i) n: larissa doesnt speaks french
i: does larissa speaks french?
j) n: simões does not run an international company
i: does simões run an international company?