Lacerda1009go Lacerda1009go Inglês Respondido 1-Marque a alternativa que possui o RELATIVE PRONOUN que completa corretamente a frase: The city ... most victims lived was totally destroyed. A) whereB) whenC) whichD) whatE) thatThe boy and the dog ... were injured in the accident passed away, unfortunately. A) whoB) whichC) thatD) whoseE) whereGarcía Márquez is a writer ... style I like. A) whichB) whoseC) whenD) whoE) whichRomeo and Juliet, ... I read in college, is a masterpiece of the world's literature. A) whenB) whoC) whoseD) whereE) which1970 was the year ... Brazil won its third World Cup. A) whenB) whoC) whoseD) whereE) which