Resposta :
The air polution is an effect that has been affecting our planet in a bigger scale recently, with the advance of technology and the bigger the population gets the more effects of that are obvious. The air pollution may occur naturally or by human activity being visible and/or invisible. The air pollution not only causes problems to the nature surroundings of where it is affecting but also causing problems to us humans, as such impure air can do a big damage to our respiratory system. Countries until this day are trying to solve this problem but with little results coming from their efforts.
Oi eu fiz o parágrafo com minhas palavras acima explicando como é pedido, espero que esteja bom! Porém não entendi a parte do mapa mental muito bem, se puder explicar um pouco mais eu posso ajudá-lo(a) com isso também!
1-polluction air
3-human activity
4-negative impact
foi isso que eu coloquei ma minha, desculpa a demora, espero ter ajudado