
2) Replace the word(s) in italics with the correct object pronoun (me, you, him, her, it
us, you, them). (Substitua a(s) palavra(s) em itálico pelo pronome obliquo correto):
a) I sit next to Henry.
b) I often see you and your sister in the school cafeteria.
c) Frank always waits for John and me after the lesson.
d) I talk to Grace and Frances every day.
e) All the boys like Helen very much.
f) She always brings her umbrella to school.

alguém pode me ajudar ?​

Resposta :


a) I sit next to him.

b) I often see you in the school cafeteria.

c) Frank always waits for us after the lesson.

d) I talk to them every day.

e) All the boys like her very much.

f) She always brings it to school.


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