
Complete the sentences with ‘ or ‘s.
a) Billy ____ blue car is in the garage.
b) Mr. John ____ secretary is here.
c) The sell ladies ____ clothes in this store.
d) The doctor ____ kids are very nice.
e) The women ____ boyfriends are late.
f) My friends ____ cousins are beautiful.
g) We love Grandma ___ cookies.
h) The engineer ___ sunglasses are broken.
i) I don’t like boys ____ sneakers.
j) Bring the baby ____ toys.

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Resposta :

⇒⇒  Genitive case

a) Billy's blue car is in the garage.

b) Mr. John's secretary is here.

c) They sell ladies' clothes in this store.

d) The doctor's kids are very nice.

e) The women's boyfriends are late.

f) My friends' cousins are beautiful.

g) We love grandma's cookies.

h) The engineer's  sunglasses are broken.

i) I don’t like boys'  sneakers.

j) Bring the baby's toys.

⇒⇒  Genitive case / possessive >>> usado para demonstrar posse de algo. Usamos o apóstrofe (') + ''s'' em quem possui algo.


O cachorro da Maria.  >> Maria's dog.  

Maria's significa ''da Maria''

A professora da minha filha.  >> My daughter's teacher.

My daughter's significa ''da minha filha''.

Principais regras:

→→  Acrescenta-se apóstrofe + s quando o substantivo for singular


O pai da Helen. >> Helen's father.

O carro do John. >> John's car.

→→  Se o substantivo terminar em ''S'' (plural ou não) , acrescenta-se apenas o apóstrofe


O pai das meninas. >> The girls' father.

O professor dos meus filhos. >> My kids' teacher.


→→  Para nomes terminados em "s", há duas opções: acrescenta apóstrofe + ''s'' ou apenas o apóstrofe. A primeira opção é a mais comum.


Carlos’ parents. > Os pais do Carlos.

Carlos’s parents.


These are Lucas’s sisters. > Essas são as irmãs do Lucas.

These are Lucas’  sisters.

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