
1) Complete as frases com o Pronome Relativo correto (who, that, which, where,
whom, whose), pode haver mais de uma resposta correta:

a) Barack Obama, ___________ was once president of the USA, discoursed
yesterday. (Barack Obama, que foi presidente dos EUA, discursou ontem.)
b) This is the game __________ I’m playing now. (Esse é o jogo que estou jogando
c) The girl __________ came here yesterday was very pretty. (A menina que veio
aqui ontem era muito bonita.)
d) What is the name of the boy with __________ you are going out? (Qual o nome
do garoto com quem você está saindo?)
e) Castle 's Bar is the place __________ I met my best friend. (Castle 's Bar é o
lugar onde conheci meu melhor amigo.)
f) The dog _________ owner is my friend was found at the park. (O cachorro cujo
dono é meu amigo foi encontrado no parque.)
g) The girl ___________ studies with me has asked me out. (A menina que estuda
comigo me chamou para sair.)
h) NASA has a rocket ___________ can reach extreme velocities. (A NASA tem
um foguete que consegue alcançar velocidades extremas.)
i) The dog ____________ came here yesterday is outside. (O cachorro que veio
aqui ontem está lá fora.)
j) Are you going to the mall with ___________? (Você está indo para o shopping
com quem?)
k) New York is the city ___________ I want to live. (Nova York é a cidade onde
quero morar.)
l) The boy ___________ father became very rich is here today. (O garoto cujo pai
tornou-se muito rico está aqui hoje.)
m) The girl _____________ studies with me has asked me out. (A menina que
estuda comigo me chamou para sair.)

pfv me ajudem

Resposta :

a) Barack Obama, who was once president of the USA, discoursed


b) This is the game which I’m playing now.

c) The girl who came here yesterday was very pretty.

d) What is the name of the boy with who you are going out?

e) Castle 's Bar is the place where I met my best friend.

f) The dog whose owner is my friend was found at the park.

g) The girl who studies with me has asked me out.

h) NASA has a rocket that can reach extreme velocities.

i) The dog whose came here yesterday is outside.

j) Are you going to the mall with whom?

k) New York is the city where I want to live.

l) The boy whose father became very rich is here today.

m) The girl who studies with me has asked me out.