
Read the text and choose the correct response.
If you are thinking about the best place for you to live, there are lots of things that you must take into consideration. Living in the country, for example, may be cheaper and safer than living in the city, so if you want a less hectic lifestyle, the country is the best option. Big cities may be crazier than small towns in the country, but there you find better opportunities.
1- What is a hectic lifestyle? *
1 ponto
It is peaceful, relaxed.
It is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity.
It is boring.
It a monotonous.
2- Big cities are _____ than small cities. *
1 ponto
more expensive
more expensiver

Resposta :


1)B-It is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity.

2)A-more expensive


1-HECTIC LIFESTYLE é um estilo de vida agitado.

2-o adjetivo EXPENSIVE – que significa caro – tem mais de uma sílaba, portanto é necessário colocar o MORE junto.

Atividade 1

What is a hectic lifestyle?

It is peaceful, relaxed.

Atividade 1

Big cities are _____ than small cities

more expensive

Adjetivos são palavras que modificam substantivos. Muitas vezes são chamados de “palavras descritivas” porque nos fornecem mais detalhes sobre um substantivo, como sua aparência (the white horse), quantos são (the three boys) ou qual é (The last house). Os adjetivos não modificam verbos ou outros adjetivos.

Ao comparar mais de duas coisas, você provavelmente usará palavras e frases como smallest, biggest, tallest, most interesting, and least interesting.

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