Alguém poderia me ajudar nessas 3 atividades do livro da Yazigi? Pfvr tenha bom coração, eu agradeceria muito, vc é alguém abençoado :)

oi, é present continuous. seria como se algo estivesse acontecendo nesse exato momento; descrever uma situação temporária.
we having less leisure time...
we always looking for a way to have more time...
we constantly doing things ourselves, studying a lot, working and planning our futures.... we living less.
they finding lots to study, challenging themselves...
test or trying to get as much...
getting tired of doing this and searching for...
we are having less leisure time...
we are always looking for a way to have more time...
we are constantly doing things ourselves, studying a lot, working and planning our futures.... we are living less.
they are finding lots to study, challenging themselves...
test or trying to get as much...
getting tired of doing this and searching for...
is happening
A resposta da colega estava quase correta, porém não podemos esquecer do famoso verbo To Be. We ARE doing, they ARE cooking, he IS walking and so on...