

1.Complete as frases com o Simple Past dos verbos entre parênteses,fazendo as alterações

necessárias :

A)The Lord--------------------- the man during the hard times of his life. (To carry)

B)Martin Luther King, Jr.------------------------------ to help the poor and powerless.(To try)

C)Paulo Freire ----------------------------------in 1997.(To die)

D)A star ------------------------------ in a nearby galaxy in February 1987.(To explode)

E)The HIV virus--------------------------from animals to humans in the 1940s.(To jump)​

Resposta :


A)The Lord carried the man during the hard times of his life.

B)Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to help the poor and powerless.

C)Paulo Freire died in 1997.

D)A star exploded in a nearby galaxy in February 1987.

E)The HIV virus jumped from animals to humans in the 1940s.

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