
The following passage makes part of Romeo and Juliet's play. It's about a love story between two young teenagers of rival family. Scene 2, Act 2 ROMEO: Leaving you is a thousand times worse than being near you. A lover goes toward his beloved as enthusiastically as a schoolboy leaving his books, but when he leaves his girlfriend, he feels as miserable as the schoolboy on his way to school. (Romeu starts to leave. Juliet returns, on her balcony). JULIET: Hist, Romeo! Hist! Oh, I wish I could make a falconer's call, so I could bring my little falcon back again. I'm trapped in my family's house, so I must be quiet. Otherwise I would rip open the cave where Echo sleeps. I would make her repeat his name until her voice grew more hoarse than mine by repeating, "My Romeo!" ROMEO: My soul is calling out my name. The sound of lovers calling each others names through the night is silver-sweet. It's the sweetest sound a lover ever hears. JULIET: Romeo! ROMEO: My baby hawk? JULIET: What time tomorrow should I send a messenger to you? ROMEO: By nine o'clock. Vocabulary: Leaving - deixar. Lover - amante. goes toward – vai em direção a. beloved – amado. Feels – sente. Hist - psiu (interjeição). Falconer - falcoeiro (pessoa que cria, treina falcões). Call – chamado. e cuida de Bring - trazer. Falcon - falcão. Back - de volta. Trapped- preso (0). Hoarse - rouca. Sweetest - mais doce. Hears - ouve. Hawk – falcão. Send - enviar.

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No início do texto ele diz que isso tudo era uma peça de Romeo e Julieta. Espero ter ajudado!

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