ME AJUDEMMMM GRAMMAR QUIZ THERE IS and THERE ARE Compiee hese aten arternoas to sEe yaur knowege of THERE & THERE ARE 1. many people standing outaide the four chaira and one table in the oe thester Thene is dning room Thee re 10. (A) s there anythingl can do to help? B There 2 bi9 group of ptopie looking at thngs in he museum. Yes,- There are . Therea smal cat playing with some . Whyomany cars parked near haye o) is o) is there 12.ageat action movie playing af 4. A H0w many ups ? bI Thee There a )there awe 5. (AAre there two birds in the tree 13. 1don't see any buses. Wyny buses? B Yes. hee is a) aventthere b)ae the ere arernt a are hwe 14. (A.. good reason why he is lute? Yes, re ther i b) There are there oo is there/ here ae . three people in the elaasroom: wo studerds and one teache. al Thae an Are here 7.A..a tani waiting for us? Y,- 15. any Engish exams that we have to b There nn Ther arnt Aw hee/e is . (A)any books cn the table7 16. Pase wait here ora momet somethinghave to get in my car o Are there / here isn e There are 12 or Less=Study More! 13-14 Good 15-16 Exoellent