Elza07fereirago Elza07fereirago Inglês Respondido OLÁ. Alguém pode só traduzir para português para mim, fazendo favor.obg ♡3- Complete the sentences with the articles (THE / A / AN).a) My mother has ___________ modern car.b) She is ____________ attractive woman.c) There are many stars in _____________ sky.d) You have ________ idea.e) Whales live in ____________ sea.f) Do you have __________ dog? 4- Complete the sentences with the right preposition (IN / ON / AT).a) Joe’s birthday is ___________ December.b) I get up ___________ six o’clock.c) She lives ________________ Araguaia Avenue.d) They study _________________ 985, Goiás Avenue.e) ___________ Monday, I like to watch TV at night.f) There are beautiful parks to visit __________ Goiânia.