Resposta :
a) I dont speak italian
b) He doesn't read books
c) Do Karen and Jane know the Brazil
d) Does Dr Paul Works in saturdays?
e) The Covid 19 doesn't finished
f) My aunt doesn't Have any children
a) negativa : Karol doesnt Has two brothers
interrogativa: Does Karol has two brothers?
b) negativa: you dont Work and study too much
interrogativa: Do you Work and study too much?
c) negativa: Paul and Peter Dont run every morning
interrogativa: Do Paul and Peter run Every day?
d) negativa: the Brazil Doesn't cries the dead by Covid
interrogativa: Does the Brazil cries the dead by Covid?
e) negativa: He doesn't flies with his airplane everyday.
interrogativa: Does He flies with his airplane everyday?
My mother Has
He and She Have
You and I Have
Our sister Has
They Have
I Have
João Has
You Have
Has : He / She / It
Have I, you, they, we...
Do : I, you, they, we
Does: She, He, It