
Verbo to  Be          Present Tense

Affirmative Form

I am              ( eu sou, eu estou)

You are         (você é, está)

He is              ( ele é, está)

She is             (ela é, está)

It is                 (ele, ela é, está)

We are          ( Nós somos, estamos)

You are         ( Vocês são, estão)

Theiy are       (eles, elas são, estão)

Negative Form              Interrogativa Form

I am  not                                          Am I?     

You are not                                     Are you?

He is   not                                        Is he?

She is  not                                       Is she? 

It is   not                                          Is it?        

We are  not                                     Are We?  

You are not                                    Are You?

They are  not                                 Are They?


Para se ter a forma negativa em inglês com os verbos auxiliares, basta colocar not (não) depois do verbo 

Observe as duas formas negativas abreviadas do verbo to be no presente:

Contracted form  (forma abreviada)

I`m not

You´re not  -  you aren´t

He´s not  -      He isn´t

She´s not -    She isn´t

It´s not  -        It isn´t

We´re no-      we aren´t

You´re not-   You aren´t

They´re not – They aren´t

Na forma interrogativa, o verbo vem antes do sujeito:

You are good. (affirmative form)

Are you good? ( interrogative form)

Observação: Aren´t I? ( Forma irregular para interrogativa-negativa na 1ª pessoa do singular)


A teacher/ A doctor: A é usado no singular, diante de consoantes. Significa um, uma.

An Orange / An apple:  An é usado no singular, diante de vogal ou h mudo (h não pronunciado: na hour). Significa: um uma.

A/An não tem plural.

1) Passe para a forma interrogativa:

Ex:  You are a teacher

       Are you a teacher?

She is a secretary.


It is an Orange.


They are doctors.


We are good students.


You are well.


He is late.


2) Passe para forma negativa:

Ex: He is a doctor.

       He is not a doctor.

She is a painter.


You are a good singer.


It is an apple.


John is well.


3)   Passe para forma negativa abreviada:

Ex: She is not a secretary

She´s not a secretary.

She isn´t a secretary.

He is not a secretary.



You are not a good friend.



It is not  an Orange.



They are not teachers.



Jane is not  well.


4)  Escreva A diante de consoante e AN diante de vogal ou h mudo.

___________teacher                           ___________apple

___________elephant                        ___________book

____________hour                                ____________player

Resposta :

Is she a secretary?
Is it an orange?
Are they doctors?
Are we good students?
Are you well?
Is he late?

She is (ou she's) not a painter
You are (aren't) a good singer
It is not (isn't) an apple
John is not (isn't) well

He's not a secretary
He isn't a secretary
You're not a good friend
You aren't a good friend
It's not an orange
It isn't an orange
They're not teachers
They aren't teachers
Jane's not well
Jane isn't well

A teacher
An apple

An elephant
A book

An hour
A player

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