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Brazil report charts surge in racial abuse and violence against women

Dom Phillips in Rio de Janeiro
Published onTue 10 Sep 2019 14.00

Brazil saw an alarming rise in racial abuse, sexual assault, femicide and violence against
women and LGBT people in 2018, according to new figures released on Tuesday.
The data illustrates a country which became more bigoted and more polarised against
the backdrop of last year’s incendiary election campaign and the increase in
inflammatory rhetoric by the far-right president (...) and his supporters, specialists said.
Intentional violent deaths – which include homicides, robberies leading to death, deaths
of police officers – fell by 10% in 2018 to 57,341. Murders of police officers also fell –
from 373 to 343.
But femicides rose by more than 4% to 1,206.
A total of 66,041 incidents of sexual violence were reported in 2018, of which 82%
were against women and girls, a 4.1% rise on the previous year and the highest number
ever registered. More than half of the female victims were girls under 13.
With 263,067 domestic violence injuries reported, the figures indicated a woman was
attacked in Brazil every two minutes.
Reported racial abuse incidents rose 20% to 7,600 and murders of LGBT people rose
10% to 109. “Brazil always had a racial issue,” Linhares Barsted said. “What we see
today is this racism coming out of the closet.”

Resposta :


olha eu não tenho certeza da minha resposta então vou estudar mais um pouco para poder vir aqui de falar tá bom

espero ter ajudado

bons estudos