FelipeJunior07go FelipeJunior07go Inglês Respondido MODAL VERBS SHOULD/MUST (SHOULDN’T/MUSTN’T) Mark the alternative that presents the correct modal verb according to the situation1. I _____________________ take some exercise if I want to feel fine.shouldmustmustn`tshouldn`t2 I ____________________ worry about the exam if I were you. You have worked really hard.shouldmustshouldn`t3- You look tired. I think you _________________ take a few days off.shouldmustshouldn`tmustn`t4- You _________________ swim in that river. It's full of crocodilesshouldmustshouldn`tmustn`t15- You ______________ drink so much soda. It's not good for your health.shouldshouldn`tmustmustn`t