Resposta :
3 - Make the “Simple Present” of the verbs in parentheses: (Complete com o Presente Simples usando os
verbos que estão dentro do parentese)
OBS: o verbo que está no parentese está acompanhado de TO, quando for completar ele desaparece.
a) I learn Portuguese very well
b) It rains every day
c) Henrique have many cars at home.
d) The dog drinks milk on the plate.
e) Carollyne use beautiful shoes
f) We do a lot of different things in our free time.
g) Tim work very hard.
h) Linda try to drive every day.
i) My sister study French at school.
j) Food is expensive. It cost a lot of money.
k) They play volleyball.
l) The boy look at his grandfather.
m) Those Indians live in the Southwest.