Resposta :
a) I love airplanes. (I love airplanes)
Word class: _plural_____________________________________
b) I live in São Paulo with my parents (I live in São Paulo with my parents)
1st ROUTE - 7th YEAR - ENGLISH 25
Word class: _plural_____________________________________
c) Portuguese is an interesting language. (Portuguese is an interesting language)
Word class: _singular_____________________________________
d) I go to school with my best friend every day. (I walk to school with my best friend all
the days)
Word class: _singular____________________________________
e) She returned home quickly. (She came home quickly)
Word class: _singular_____________________________________
f) My grandmother was born in 1942. (My grandmother was born in 1942)
Word class: _singular_____________________________________
g) As soon as I arrive I will call you. (As soon as I get there, I'll call you)
Word class: _singular_____________________________________
h) I love reading novels (I love reading novels)
Word class: _plural_____________________________________
who rsponder right takes better answer
pelo que eu vi é pra ver a classe que é singular ou plural:)