Resposta :
a)she likes of my dog
n- She doesn't like my dog.
i- Does she like my dog?
b)I read the bible in the morning
n-I don't read the bible in the morning.
i-Do I read the bible in the morning?
c)they cometime travel to jericoacoara
n-They don't come time travel to jericoacoara.
i- Do they come time travel to jericoacoara?
d)we go to cruch at night
n-We don't go to church at night.
i-Do we go to church at night?
No presente simples no inglês, tanto no interrogativo como no negativo se utiliza o auxiliar do.
Na primeira pessoa - I, You, We, they:
Negativo: I don't like.
You don't like.
We don't like.
They don't like.
Interrogativo: Do I like?
Do you like?
Do we like?
Do they like?
OBS.: Don't = Do not junto, forma informal.
Na terceira pessoa - He, she, it.
Negativo: He doesn't like.
She doesn't like.
It doesn't like.
Interrogativo: Does he like?
Does she like?
Does it like?
OBS.: DOESN'T = DOES not junto, forma informal.
OBS2.: Na terceira pessoa, ao utiilizar doesn't ou does o S sai do verbo.
EX: She likes pizza.
She doesn't LIKE pizza.
Does she LIKE pizza?