Questão 01 - Passe a frase para o plural. (1.0) There was only one tiger. . Questão 02 - Complete a sentença com some ou any. (2,0) . There was condensed milk, passion dairy cream and fruit juice. • No, there wasn't sugar in this recipe. Questão 03- Escolha a opção correta para completar a sentença. (1,0) Were there some/any/anything/something rabbits in the yard? No, but there were some/any/something/anything in the garden. . Questão 04- Complete a sentença com something ou anything. (1,0) The cat didn't want to eat Questão 05- Leia a pista abaixo e descubra qual profissão está se referindo em inglês. (1,0) • I take care of your safety. I'm a Questão 06 - Formule perguntas baseadas nas respostas. (2.0) 2 John played table tennis at school. b Jonathan didn't play the semi-finals because he was hurt. Questão 07- Use o verbo entre parêntese para completar a sentenças com o passado simples ou o passado continuo. (2.0) a) Jessica her room when Monica her to go out. (tidy up invite) Tommy the test when the lights ? (take b)