Resposta :
⇒⇒ Present continuous
a) The Children are playing in the garden (play).
b) She is driving fast today (drive)
c) They are not talking to each other today (not talk) - forma negativa.
d) Be quiet please. The baby is sleeping. (sleep).
e) At the moment my wife is feeding the dogs and I am watering the plants
f) Why are you reading the letter again? - Because I am checking for spelling mist akes. read/check).
g) The sky is getting dark. You'd better take an umbrella (get).
i) Where is Carla? She is sitting in the living room. What is she doing?
She is watching television (sit/she do/ watch)
j) What a nice dress you are wearing today (wear)
Atenção >>> letra ''h'' >>> não tem como completar porque estão faltando os verbos.
h) John ___ at the moment. He ___ a comic book
⇒⇒ Present continuous >>> tempo verbal que expressa algo que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Normalmente, é usado ''now'' - agora, ''at the moment'' ou ''at this moment'' - no momento, no final da frase.
Para formar o ''present continuous'' é preciso verbo ''to be'' no presente + verbo terminando em'' -ing ''
→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa
sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento
I am doing my homework now.
They are playing soccer now.
David is studying English.
I am preparing lunch now.
→ Para fazer a negativa >>> acrescenta ''not'' após o verbo ''to be''
I am not doing my homework now.
→ Para fazer a interrogativa >>> coloca o verbo ''to be'' no início da frase
Are they playing soccer now?
Am I riding a bike?
Is David working now?
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