
O Present Perfect "não" deve ser utilizado numa frase em que exista referência a ações cujos efeitos/influências estejam concluídos. Selecione as frases no Present Perfect. *

I'm ready now. I've finished my work.

Steve's grandmother has died died two years ago.

Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems.

She has worked at the bank for five years.

Sue isn't here. She's gone out.

Resposta :


O Present Perfect "não" deve ser utilizado numa frase em que exista referência a ações cujos efeitos/influências estejam concluídos. Selecione as frases no Present Perfect.

I'm ready now. I've finished my work.

Present Perfect (have finished)

Steve's grandmother has died two years ago.

Present Perfect (has died)

Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems.

She has worked at the bank for five years.

Present Perfect (has worked)

Sue isn't here. She's gone out.

Present Perfect (has gone)


Hope it helped you guys.

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