urgente por favo alguém ajudar !

NEG: She was not eating a pancake the last time i met her.
INT: Was she eating a pancake the last time i met her?
NEG: They are not playing call of duty.
INT: Are they playing call of duty?
NEG: It was not snowing last thursday.
INT: Was it snowing last thursday?
NEG : You were not dancing so well yesterday.
INT: Were you dancing so well yesterday?
NEG: We were not sleeping when the storm started.
INT: Were not we sleeping when the storm started?
NEG: They weren't studying for the test.
INT: Were not they studying for the test?
1. Sue was writing poems all day yesterday
2. I was talking on the phone for hours last night
3. The businessmen weren't doing a lot of work before lunch.
4. Was she speaking to you last night?
5. It was raining a lot yesterday afternoon.
Espero ter ajudado.