Resposta :
⇒⇒ Past continuous
A)-------Rachel-------a nevo book(read).
Was Rachel reading a new book?
B)---- they-----together yesterday?(work).
Were they working together yesterday?
C)----he-----to music?(listen).
Was he listening to music?
D)------you-----street dance?(do).
Were you doing street dance?
E)------she------her sister with her homework?(help).
Was she helping her sister with her homework?
→→ Past continuous >> tempo verbal para falar sobre situações e ações contínuas, ou seja, que estavam acontecendo no passado, ao mesmo tempo em que outra situação acontecia/tinha acabado de acontecer.
was / were + verbo -ing + complemento
I was studying English when Liz called me. >> Eu estava estudando inglês quando a Liz me ligou.
Lucy was driving her new car when she saw John. >> Lucy estava dirigindo seu carro novo quando ela viu o John.
Peter was playing soccer when her mom called him. >> Peter estava jogando futebol quando sua mãe o chamou.
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