Resposta :
⇒⇒ Immediate future >>> future with ''going to''
1. l study at Harvard.
I am going to study at Harvard.
2. Fred lives in Italy.
Fred is going to live in Italy.
3. The police catch the thieves.
The police are going to catch the thieves.
4. I am a lawyer.
I am going to be a lawyer.
→→ Future with ''going to'' >>> usado para falar sobre intenções futuras, sobre um futuro certo e já planejado e fazer previsões baseadas em evidências
Estrutura '' going to''
verb to be + going to + verbo forma original
→ Previsão com evidência
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain!
evidência >> dark clouds
→ Futuro certo
I am going to the grocery in the afternoon.
David is going to arrive late today because he's still working.
→ Intenção futura
I am going to be a doctor.
David is going to graduate in September.
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