Resposta :
⇒⇒ Present Continuous
1 - Qual alternativa está incorreta?
a) I am being evil with my son.
b) Do I being evil with your son? ✅
c) Am I being evil with my son?
d) I am not being evil with my son.
2 - Identifique nos trechos das canções abaixo os verbos que estão no Present Continuous Tense:
a) "We're all just looking for connection
Yeah, we all want to be seen
I'm looking for someone who speaks my language
Someone to ride this ride with me... "
(Kate Perry - Witness)
b) "You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
You're givin' me a million reasons..."
(Kat Dahlia - I Think I'm In Love Again)
c) "We're running out of time
Chasing our lies
Everyday a small piece of you dies
Always somebody..."
(Selena Gomez - Kill 'em With Kindness)
d) "My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind..."
(John Legend - All of Me)
Escolha a opção correta, obedecendo as regras do Present Continuous estudadas em sala:
1) She is running away from the police. (Run)
a) Running ✅
b) Runing
c) Runying
2) We're not lying to our parents. (Lie)
a) Lieing
b) Lying ✅
c) Ling
3) Animals are dying in Amazonia. (Die)
a) Dying ✅
b) Dieing
c) Ding
4) They're making lots of money (Make)
a) Making ✅
b) Makeing
c) Makeyng
5) She is excelling in her studies (Excel)
a) Excelling ✅
b) Exceling
c) Excellying
6) Are you stopping now? (Stop)
a) Stoping
b) Stopping ✅
c) Stoppying
7) She is dating Mike's brother. (Date)
a) Dateing
b) Dating ✅
c) Datying
8) I am feeling tired today (Feel)
a) Feeling ✅
b) Feelling
c) Feling
⇒⇒ Present Continuous >>> tempo verbal usado quando queremos falar sobre algo que está acontecendo no momento em que falamos.
Estrutura do Present Continuous
Sujeito+ am / is / are + verbo -ing
John is playing video game now.
My sons are watching TV right now.
I am studying English.
⇒ Regras para o uso do present continuous
∵∵ Quando o verbo termina com ''ie'', troca o ''ie'' por ''ying''
die – dying
lie – lying
∵∵ Se o verbo termina em ''e'' precedido de consoante, tira o ''e'' e acrescenta ''ing''
dance - dancing
come - coming
Observação: exceção para o verbo ''to be''
to be - being
∵∵ Quando o verbo termina em CVC - consoante - vogal - consoante e o verbo tem uma ou duas sílabas, dobra a última consoante e acrescenta ''ing'' . Mas se o verbo terminar em ''x'' ou ''w'', não se aplica essa regra.
swim - swimming
cut - cutting
snow - snowing
∵∵ Se o verbo tiver uma ou duas sílabas e a sílaba tônica for a primeira, é só acrescentar ''ing''.
open - opening
happen - happening
Aprenda mais em:

Para responder às questões propostas devemos aplicar as regras do tempo verbal Present continuous em língua inglesa.
1 -
b) Do I being evil with your son?
2 -
a) "We're all just looking for connection
I'm looking for someone who speaks my language
b) "You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
You're givin' me a million reasons..."
c) "We're running out of time
Chasing our lies
d) But I'm breathing fine
3 -
1) a) Running
2) b) Lying
3) a) Dying
4) a) Making
5) a) Excelling
6) b) Stopping
7) b) Dating
8) a) Feeling
Present Continuous
O tempo do presente contínuo, ou Present Continuous, é utilizado em língua inglesa para se referir a ações ou acontecimentos contínuos, em progresso no momento presente.
A estrutura das frases no Present Continuous apresenta necessariamente o verbo TO BE e verbo principal terminado em ING.
O verbo TO BE é flexionado de acordo com o sujeito:
- I - AM
- WE - ARE
Em frases negativas, o NOT aparece ao lado do verbo TO BE.
Exemplo: I am NOT good.
Em frases interrogativas o verbo TO BE aparece no início da sentença.
Exemplo: IS he good?
Saiba mais sobre present continuous em: