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Edgar Allan Poe
UPDATED: SEP 3, 2020 - ORIGINAL: OCT 17, 2014
Edgar Allan Poe
January 19, 1809
Edgar Allan Poe was a writer and critic
famous for his dark, mysterious poems and
stories, including The Raven,' The Black Cat
and The Tell-Tale Heart.'
October 7, 1849
Who Was Edgar Allan Poe?
Edgar Allan Poe's
storytelling and
tales of mystery
and horror gave
birth to the
modern detective
Poe married his
cousin Virginia
when she was 13
and he was 24.
Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, poet, critic and
editor best known for evocative short stories and poems that
captured the imagination and interest of readers around the
world. His imaginative storytelling and tales of mystery and
horror gave birth to the modern detective story.
Many of Poe's works, including "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The
Fall of the House of Usher," became literary classics. Some
aspects of Poe's life, like his literature, is shrouded in
mystery, and the lines between fact and fiction have been
blurred substantially since his death.
Early Life and Family
Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts.
a. ( ) O gênero textual é narrativo e relata os acontecimentos na vida de alguém.
b. ( ) O texto narra a história da vida de alguém e seu gênero textual é a biografia,
C. ( ) Edgar Allan Poe nasceu em 1849, em Boston.
d. (Ele escreveu muitos poemas e estórias sombrias e misteriosas.
e. ( ) A foto, o nome completo, as datas de nascimento e de morte, e a profissão são alguns
elementos comuns ao gênero textual da imagem acima.
f. ( ) Edgar Allan Poe morreu em Janeiro, dia 19.
9. ( ) Virginia, com quem fora casado, era parente de Poe.
7. ( ) A produção "The Tell-Tale Heart" não se tornou um clássico da literatura americana.
( ) O gênero textual do texto acima permite o uso de linguagem informal e gírias.
( ) Ele se casou aos 24 anos de idade.​

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