Resposta :
Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple.
Treceți verbele din paranteze la Prezent Simplu.
My friend Cathy (1) has a horse. It (2) is a beautiful animal with big eyes and a long tail. Its name is Bella and it (3) loves people. It (4) doesn't bite or kick and it is always friendly. It (5) eats apples and hay but it (6) doesn't eat meat. Horses (7) don't like meat. Cathy usually (8) rides her horse every day after school. She (9) doesn't go into the town because there is too much traffic. There (10) aren't many cars in the country so she (11) takes Bella there. It often (12) rains in England so at night Bella and the other horses (13) sleep.
La timpul Present Simple, majoritatea verbelor primesc un „-s” la persoana a III-a, nr. singular; la restul persoanelor și la plural, se păstrează forma de infinitiv:
to sing:
- I/you/we/you/they sing
- he/she/it sings
Atunci când le trecem la forma negativă, se folosește:
- does not (doesn't) la persoana a III-a, nr. singular + forma infinitivului, fără „-s” la final
- do not (don't) la restul persoanelor și la plural + forma infinitivului
to sing:
- I/you/we/you/they do not (don't) sing
- he/she/it does not (doesn't) sing
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